Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

We at Wellness Hub are here to assist you in this endeavour

Wellness Hub Hyderabad locationBeside Sujana Forum Mall, Kukatpally Housing Board. Hyderabad.

“If a child cannot learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”

What is Autism?

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a developmental disability that causes significant impairments in social, communication, and behavioral skills. Autism Spectrum Disorder covers a broad range of disorders each with unique characteristics and manifestations.

Child care professionals can identify possible signs of Autism spectrum disorder in children at an early age, by being familiar with its characteristic symptoms. This, in turn, allows for earlier interventions and potentially better outcomes. This disorder affects communication, social interaction and behavior in the children.

Autism can be understood as being in his or her own world.

Causes of Autism

Though many kinds of causes are usually attributed, the exact causes of Autism are not exactly known. But, the most possible risk factors can be such as the following.

Having an immediate Autistic family member

Genetic disorders like “Fragile X syndrome”

Genetic Mutations

Metabolic imbalances

Born to older parents

Low birth weight

Exposure to heavy metals and toxins

Immunological abnormalities

History of viral infections during gestation period or for the newborn

Ill-effects of medicines used earlier

High stress and emotional issues during pregnancy

Best Autism therapy services in Hyderabad

Best Autism therapy services in Hyderabad

Our curated team of therapists provides the best therapeutic treatment for Autism and other developmental disorders catering to clients from Kukatpally, Hi-Tech City, Jubilee Hills, Kondapur, Madhapur, Gachibowli, Miyapur, Manikonda and all across Hyderabad

Early Intervention Services for Autism in Hyderabad

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD can affect the child during months of age, the effects of which can be reduced if identified and treated as early as possible. Our Early intervention services for Autism in Hyderabad are designed for the toddlers from 6months to 3yrs of age, in developing their motor skills and cognitive skills so as to nurture their skills from the early age. This lessens the effects of Autism Spectrum Disorder on the child.

As per the studies, early diagnosis and the early intervention programs, show major long-term positive effects on symptoms and later skills. Early intervention services for Autism at Hyderabad focus on the cognitive and creative skill development that is high in your young child’s brain and it is highly helpful if the intervention program is started as early as the symptoms are identified.

Top Occupational Therapists in Hyderabad for ASD

Individuals with Autism Spectrum disorder or ASD need special care and attention from well experienced and trained professionals. Wellness Hub at Hyderabad offers you the top occupational therapists that are empathetic, patient and goal-oriented. Occupational therapists assist children with ASD in managing the sensory sensitivities, behavioral and coordination difficulties and to overcome challenges of daily activities, engaging them in school, play, and self-care occupations. Our top occupational therapists at Hyderabad are specialized in providing assessments and treatment for children with ASD and in enhancing children’s development and skill acquisition by designing support programs.

It is not easy to find the best and top occupational therapists who work with an efficient team of behavior therapists, speech therapists and special educators to design apt programs tailoring to the needs of the individuals. Wellness Hub at Hyderabad offers you such a great combination of excellent therapists using scientific approaches at reasonable pricing.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy or cognitive behavior therapy is a psychological therapy that focuses on thoughts, feelings and behaviors of an individual. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on negative thought patterns that individuals with psychological conditions often experience. The treatment programs in this therapy are offered to come out of those negative thoughts and cognitive difficulties.

Best Special Educators for ASD in Hyderabad

At Wellness Hub, you have the best special educators in Hyderabad equipped with a resource room and specifically adapted teaching area, and different scientific approaches to teaching methods, for delivering the best to your kid. IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is adopted to provide the special education that suits the requirements and the needs of your Autistic child, targeted to improve both education and communication of the child.

Along with the kids with Autism, children, having the learning disabilities like dyslexia, dysgraphia etc., non-verbal learning disabilities, language processing disorders, communication disorders, emotional and behavioral disorders, inabilities due to physical and developmental disorders etc. are also offered special education at Wellness Hub. These programs are tailored to cater to the needs of the child.

Best ABA Therapy – Wellness Hub

ABA therapy helps in improving social skills, communication skills, and learning skills among individuals through positive reinforcement techniques. Wellness Hub at Hyderabad offers you the Best ABA therapy for the individuals to apply the idea of rewards and consequences meticulously to achieve measurable goals.

ABA therapy i.e., Applied Behavior Analysis therapy focuses on how behavior is formed and how it is affected by the environment, and how learning takes place. During this, the behavior of the individual is observed in different settings, and the information is collected and analyzed. Parents and caretakers are interviewed for collecting the information. The individual is observed, tested for different skills, and assessed by the therapists, regarding the behavioral patterns. Best ABA therapy in Hyderabad is available at Wellness Hub with the best team of experts.

Not sure about the apt therapist, assessment or service? You may take a free initial consultation or ping our client care at

Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Autism spectrum disorder or related conditions can be identified in children, at an early age. When a toddler is identified to be showing the following symptoms, it is better to take an Autism assessment test to find out if everything is alright with the child.

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has poor maintenance of eye-contact or avoids it

Has poor maintenance of eye-contact or avoids it

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Shows abnormal interest in objects/ toys rather than people around

Shows abnormal interest in objects/ toys rather than people around

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has touch-sensitivity towards certain objects

Has touch-sensitivity towards certain objects

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Spins round objects and feels distressed if disturbed

Spins round objects and feels distressed if disturbed

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Displays unusual attachment towards certain objects

Displays unusual attachment towards certain objects

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Lacks the ability to share their feelings like sadness, happiness, or anger

Lacks the ability to share their feelings like sadness, happiness, or anger

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Lacks social and emotional reciprocity

Lacks social and emotional reciprocity

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has high resistance towards changes in routine

Has high resistance towards changes in routine

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Prefers playing alone or sometimes with adults

Prefers playing alone or sometimes with adults

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has delayed speech or distorted speech

Has delayed speech or distorted speech

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Doesn’t respond when called or behaves as a deaf person

Doesn’t respond when called or behaves as a deaf person

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Giggles or laughs for no apparent reason

Giggles or laughs for no apparent reason

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Faces difficulty in using speech in a meaningful conversation

Faces difficulty in using speech in a meaningful conversation

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Engages in repetitive behaviors like rocking, spinning, or hand flapping

Engages in repetitive behaviors like rocking, spinning, or hand flapping

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Tries to walk on toes

Tries to walk on toes

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Under or over reaction to one or more of the five senses like sight, touch, taste, smell or hearing

Under or over reaction to one or more of the five senses like sight, touch, taste, smell or hearing

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Repeated actions or body movements

Repeated actions or body movements

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Displays need for sameness

Displays need for sameness

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Doesn’t return a smile

Doesn’t return a smile

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has great variation in abilities

Has great variation in abilities

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Plays in an unusual manner with toys like handling them upside down

Plays in an unusual manner with toys like handling them upside down

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Has Echolalia – Repeating or parroting certain words

Has Echolalia – Repeating or parroting certain words

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Feels difficulty in interacting with people around

Feels difficulty in interacting with people around

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Involves in odd-play like tearing papers or flicking papers or strings etc.

Involves in odd-play like tearing papers or flicking papers or strings etc.

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Lacks fear in doing dangerous tasks like playing with fire, climbing or jumping from heights

Lacks fear in doing dangerous tasks like playing with fire, climbing or jumping from heights

Signs and Symptoms of Autism - Wakes up and plays at night and still has full energy to play the next morning

Wakes up and plays at night and still has full energy to play the next morning

If at least half of the above symptoms are found, it is suggested to refer the child to Multidisciplinary evaluation for diagnosis.

A multidisciplinary team consists of clinical psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, behavioral therapist, and a special educator. Wellness Hub offers such a team of best therapists to assess the Autism levels in your kid.

Classification of Autism

The term “spectrum” refers to a wide range of symptoms and severity. Each child with Autism has a unique pattern of behavior and a different level of severity. Autism Spectrum disorders can be narrowed down to four types of Autism. They are:

Autistic disorder (or classic Autism)

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

Asperger’s disorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified

Among them, the main three types of Autism are Asperger’s, Autistic and PDD-NOS. Asperger’s syndrome is considered as mild autism and PDD-NOS is severe autism. Rett Syndrome also has similar features to Autism but it is a rare genetic disorder that is found after 6years of age, especially in female children. Childhood disintegrative disorder is a condition in which children develop normally till 3 to 4years of age and then slowly over a few months, lose all the skills like language, social, motor, and other skills they have learned.

The characteristics of Autism can vary in a wide range as this is a spectrum disorder. Autism can be high, moderate, or low. The three main types of Autism are:

Mild level of Autism is called Asperger’s syndrome in which the person may be intelligent enough to handle his/her daily activities.

Medium level of Autism is considered as Autistic disorder in which the Autism is significant and needs to undergo therapies to cope with daily life activities.

The higher level of Autism is named as Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified whose Autism is more severe than the ones having Asperger’s syndrome.

Each child defines Autism in his/her own way, depending upon the severity, the patterns of behavior and the varied symptoms.

Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s is high functioning Autism. It is a condition that affects the way to communicate and to relate to others. The common challenges faced by children with Asperger’s syndrome include intolerance to changes in routine, non-regulated emotions, and lack of self advocacy

The possible symptoms of a child with Asperger’s Syndrome

Has good memory

Has artistic interests

Has good Intellectual levels

Has speech problems and poor social skills

Has delayed motor development

Has qualities like honesty, focused, fair and just

Has a desire to connect (but finds it difficult to match)

The development of harmful psychological problems


Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD – NOS) is a severe form of Autism that refers to a group of disorders that are characterized by impairment in social interactions and verbal and non-verbal communication, involving repeated interests and activities.

The possible symptoms of a child with PDD-NOS

Has poor social skills

Prefers to be alone

Lacks social empathy

Has poor playing skills

Has problem maintaining eye-contact

Lacks the ability to interact meaningfully

Avoids to be with peers and sharing with others

Lacks the ability to differentiate familiar and unfamiliar people

What is done during Intervention?

As their needs differ, every Autistic child has to be treated in a separate way. When you take your child to a psychologist for the Autism assessment, they spend a considerable amount of time assessing the skills, behavior and symptoms of your Autistic child. At Wellness hub, Hyderabad, with a team of psychologists, speech therapists, behavioral and occupational therapists, we come to a conclusion on the needs of your child and what needs to be done to meet them. It is then a program is prepared for treating your Autistic child. The early the symptoms are recognized and the intervention is started, the better the outcome would be. Autism treatment at Hyderabad center focuses on early intervention.

How can Autism be rightly Diagnosed?

Diagnosing Autism needs professional skills. Some assessments such as CARS and VSMS are performed by experts such as behavioral therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists to rightly diagnose Autism.

CARS: Childhood Autism Rating Scale

It is a behavioral rating scale developed to identify children with autism. It further distinguishes children with autism in the mild and moderate range from children with autism in the moderate to severe range. Clinician rates are based on at least 2 sources of information (both direct observation and information gathered from someone who knows the individual’s behavior in different settings).

It is done by rating the child’s behaviors from 1 to 4.

1 for being normal at the child’s age

2 for mildly abnormal

3 for moderately abnormal

4 for severely abnormal

Scores range from 15 to 60 with 30 being the cutoff rate for a diagnosis of mild autism. Scores 30-37 indicate mild to moderate autism, while scores between 38 and 60 are characterized as severe autism. CARS is used to rate the child’s behavior, characteristics, and abilities against the expected developmental growth of a typical child.

The following characteristics are evaluated during CARS assessment:

Relationship to people


Emotional response

Body use

Object use

Adaptation to change

Visual response

Listening response

Taste-smell-touch response and use

Fear and nervousness

Verbal communication

Non-verbal communication

Activity level

Level and consistency of intellectual response

General impressions

CARS assessment done at Autism center, Hyderabad helps in making a better decision towards the therapies that your Autistic child might need.

VSMS: Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)

It is a psychological assessment tool for the evaluation of social and adaptive functions. In addition to assessing social competence, VSMS is also used as a substitute test to assess intelligence when other core intelligence tests cannot be used due to various reasons, such as poor speech ability and in conditions where the child is not cooperative.

The test consists of 8 sub-scales measuring:

General self-help ability

Self-help eating

Self-help dressing


Occupation skills

Communication skills

Locomotion skills

Socialization skills

Both of these tests give abundant information regarding the level of Autism the child is having. Our team of experts at Hyderabad, designs the therapy program based on the needs of your Autistic child.

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad ExpertEase

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad

Wellness Hub offers Autism therapy services at Hyderabad, with a curated list of highly experienced health professionals who deal with Autism spectrum disorder and other related issues by assessing, diagnosing and designing special programs for every client. Our multi-disciplinary team of specialists relating specific areas of development will monitor the improvements in the client’s conditions and analyze them further to redesign the programs to cater to the needs of a specific Autistic client.

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

Best Autism Treatment Near Me

Autism Spectrum Disorder Therapies driven by the best Speech Therapists, Behavioral Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Special Educators & Psychologists in Hyderabad

Select from our curated Autism Therapies and Assessments and book a session with an Autism Therapist of your choice at your convenient time.

Best in-person ABA Therapy, IEP and Autism Therapy for clients in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Kochi and other parts of India and Indians all over the World

Autism Therapy at Wellness Hub is Convenient, Affordable and Reliable

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

Prefer Online Autism Therapy Services?

Many parents now prefer the Online Autism therapy services which have many benefits that online interaction provides, besides being as effective as face-to-face communication. Our curated list of top speech therapists, behavioral therapists, occupational therapists and special educators are here to offer your child the best care and therapies that cater to the needs of your Autistic child.

It is a great choice to prefer online Autism therapy services if you have no Autism therapy center nearby. We suggest you start with our free initial Autism consultation service to know if your child is having Autism. Our therapists might recommend Online Autism assessments to assess the level of Autism and then would design the online therapies that are needed for your child.

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction and behavior in children. Social skills training for kids is very essential as the children with Autism lack the crucial social skills such as non-verbal social behaviors and social communication, developing peer relationships, lacking of sharing enjoyments, interests, or achievements, lacking social or emotional response and even social imitative play like the children of their age group.

Practicing interactions and communications in a specific group of similar age and ability enables them to communicate well. These programs include responding to peers, making good body language, maintaining friendships, social initiation skills and self-comfort skills, observational learning, playground skills, group behavior skills etc. At Wellness Hub, Hyderabad, social skills training for Autistic kids are offered by best behavioural, occupational, and speech therapists along with special educators to be on par with the children of their own age.

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

Best Speech Therapy for Autism

Best speech therapy is possible with best speech therapists and their best efforts through scientifically proven methods, techniques and strategies. Individuals with Autism have difficulties understanding and using words, longer utterances to communicate, repetition of words, maintaining eye-contact, and initiating conversations etc. Speech and language therapists at Wellness Hub, Hyderabad, provide best therapy services according to the needs of your Autistic child. Besides for those with Autism, different kinds of therapies for different people like late talkers, for those with voice-related issues, Apraxia, aphasia, dysarthia, stuttering, learning difficulties are also offered by the best speech therapists at Wellness Hub, Hyderabad.

Autism Therapy Services at Hyderabad Social Skills Training for Kids at Hyderabad - Wellness Hub

School Readiness Program for Kids with Autism

It is somewhat tough for the children having Autism to be a school student just like a normal child. They need the help of trained professionals to keep them on par with the other kids of their age. With this School readiness program, the kids with Autism would learn basic skills which would help them get ready for the normal academic school.

School readiness program helps the kids between 3yrs to 6yrs of age with Autism to learn the basic skills such as practicing classroom mechanics, etiquettes and routines, following group instructions and activities, practicing social skills, fine and gross motor skills, independent skills and foundational academics.

Our curated list of best speech therapists, occupational therapists, behavioral therapists and special educators at our Hyderabad Autism center are here to offer the best your Autistic child can get.


Best Speech Therapy for Autism
Best Autism Treatment Near Me
Is Autism treatable?
Wellness Hub conduct therapies in person for kids with Autism
Childhood Autism Rating Scale

When I was looking for some experienced professionals who can provide Autism therapies for my son, some friends suggested Wellness Hub at Hyderabad. They have a dedicated workplace with well- equipped therapy treatments for Autism. Staff is very co-operative. They have modified the problem behaviors in him by providing the best support. His aggravated harmful behaviors were brought to a halt. He now has friends too. Autism therapies are best at Wellness Hub

Ganesh Sharma, Hyderabad (Father of an Autistic child who took occupational and behavioral therapies)

Frequently Asked Questions

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

I don't know if my kid has Autism. What to do?

If you are in doubt whether your kid has Autism or not, it is better to get that confirmed with some professional help. Our free Autism consultation services could help you with that. Please don’t hesitate as you might regret later.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

How can I book a free Autism consultation service?

Please log on to and select “Free Autism Consultation” from our list of wellness services. There you may book an appointment with one of our experts. Otherwise, you may call +9188812 99888 to get an appointment booked for an offline/direct meet with the experts.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

What therapies and programs are offered at Wellness Hub?

All therapies such as Speech therapy, Behavioral therapy, Occupational therapy, Special Education and some assessment tests are also available at Wellness Hub. Programs like early intervention program and school readiness program are available.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

What is the free Autism Consultation service?

Free Autism Consultation service is for those who are unsure of their child’s condition whether Autism is present or not. Our experts observe, test, and assess the degree of Autism the kid is having through this free Autism consultation service.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

Is Autism treatable?

Autism is not treatable completely. But, it can be managed with the help of therapies for the betterment of the individual in carrying out daily activities and to be independent in life.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

What is the procedure followed for designing Autism therapies at Wellness Hub?

When you take your child to a psychologist for the Autism assessment, they spend a considerable amount of time assessing the skills, behavior, and symptoms of your child. If needed, they recommend some assessment tests to be more specific on the needs of your child. With a team of psychologists, speech therapists, behavioral and occupational therapists, they come to a conclusion on the needs of your child and a plan of procedural implementation to meet them. Then, the team of experts prepares a program for treating your Autistic child.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

How does Wellness Hub ensure the quality of Therapists?

Every Speech Therapist, Behavioral Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Special Educator at Wellness Hub has the requisite educational qualification to excel in their line of operation. Further, we ensure that every therapist associated with us is driven by the zeal to work for the child’s continuous improvement.

Classification of Autism Best Autism Therapy Center in Hyderabad

Does Wellness Hub conduct therapies in person for kids with Autism?

Yes, our therapists operate from our centre in KPHB, Hyderabad. If you live close-by, please contact us on +91 888 1299 888 or and we will be glad to start in-person therapies for your child at the earliest. If you are visiting Hyderabad, we would be glad if you drop by for a chat with our team

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