10 Bad habits to make a Relationship Toxic

By Prapoorna M

Last Updated: November 29, 2022

Whether it is chewing your mouth open or yawning loudly, we all have some annoying habits. Sometimes we feel the need to act on impulse, and sometimes we wait to react on time. Your friend might always speak elaborately while you keep it as precise as possible. People have different habits that are learned over time. But specific patterns can be all right sometimes but are quite toxic for your relationship. These are addressed as bad habits for a relationship or toxic habits that could kill it. Unfortunately, most of the time, we would not aware of these habits and the damage they are doing until the doom’s day. Hence, isn’t it good to know now?

Know more: Healing From a Toxic Relationship: Step-by-Step Guide to Recovery

Toxic habits that are dangerous to your relationship

Annie and Marcus have recently been in a relationship. Annie is from a disciplined family background. She keeps everything clean and tidy, completes all her work on time and receives appreciation often. Marcus never bothers about the remarks and feels he was born to break the rules. It is obvious how their daily life at home would be. But with clear communication and an open mind to change a few things, they can work to improve their relationship. There are numerous ways to make or break something. Especially when it comes to relationships, the way we communicate defines how we shape our relationships.

A Couple with communication issues
A Couple with communication issues

The end of a relationship often comes slowly. Usually, sure signs can indicate beforehand that a partnership is breaking up. We have a belief that certain behaviours are expected. It is because we have copied them or always done them that way. It is precisely these toxic habits that affect our relationship the most.

Lack of Communication

Suppose the partners exchange information infrequently or avoid conflicts in a relationship. In that case, the partnership or the connection will not be in good shape. The dents become more and more visible with each passing day. Lack of proper communication affects all parts of your relationship.

What can I do?

If there is any difference of opinion or things that need to be discussed, it is good to talk as early as possible. If you hope the other person will read everything from your eyes, you are probably mimicking a filmy character. In reality, problems are solved only by discussing and working on them.

Never play a mind game.

Some people find it amusing to play mind games with people. They try to prove their superiority in intelligence by doing so. But if you apply the same in your relationship, you are killing it with your own hands. Anyone who constantly blames, annoys, or otherwise psychologically damages their partner is putting their partnership at risk.

What can I do?

Relationships are based on emotions. When you play a mind game and giggle about your winning, remember that you are losing your partner’s trust. Trust is the most important cornerstone of any relationship. So, never play mind games. Use your intelligence for the welfare of your relationship, not against it.

Feeling possessive

The feeling of possessiveness is usually shown as keeping your partner in complete control. Nobody can be completely ours. Loving a person doesn’t give us the right to total control of our life. Such an attitude causes the person and also the relationship to suffocate.

What can I do?

It is important to understand that your partner also has their career, friends, and interests in their hands. It is good to let them be off your hands. A free bird loves to return to its nest, but a caged bird wouldn’t love its cage.


Nagging is an annoying habit that can destroy intimacy. It is common to get frustrated if unheard. You would feel so neglected when your partner doesn’t cooperate and your needs are unmet. People often use nagging to get their partners to do what they want. Nagging often makes the person feel controlling and compelling. Communication is the key to any relationship. So, better your communication to break this habit.

What can I do?

Give your frustration a back seat once you reach your partner. Understand that you need to communicate well. Our emotion is usually reflected in our words. So, instead of saying, “You are always late” or “You won’t listen to me”, change the structure of your statements. They can be like, “I would be very happy if you could do this early”, or “It is highly necessary to finish this task as immediately as possible.”

Don’t lose sight

Independent people often get busy with their own lives and their schedules. Forgetting to look after their partner’s needs can harm the relationship. It hurts your partner’s emotional self deeply.

Are you having relationship issues?
Are you having relationship issues?

What can I do?

Understand that you both are together always. Realize the fact that your partner doesn’t come naturally. A relationship needs interdependence, and it strengthens the relationship.

Projecting frustration

Unknowingly many people project the stress and the frustration they are facing at work onto their partner. It would badly affect your partner. You might not know this in the heat of the moment. But this habit can lead to cracks in the relationship. Your partner does not know how you are doing or what the trigger for your bad mood is and will relate it to themselves. The more it happens, the weaker the relationship becomes.

What can I do?

Stay silent if you are in a bad mood. Simply convey the same and go out for a walk if you have to. Analyze your emotional status and sort it in your mind to bring a solution. Once you come to a conclusion, come out of that mood and then converse with your partner. It is important to take such a gap to save your relationship.

Discussing stuff

In your bachelor days, you might have discussed every stuff with your friends. Though you have close friends, discussing every detail, from her parlour visits to his interest in Sex, can be a serious spoiler for your relationship.

What can I do?

Learn to deal with your frustration. The issue is between you and your partner. Try to work on a middle-ground to find a solution. Read more, learn more about related stuff, and find out which suits you. If needed, approach a professional for help.

Stop being Clingy

Some of them always feel the need to be with their partner. When a person is too clingy, they will repeatedly text, repeatedly call when the partner is not home, try to be in continuous contact every 10mins, and cannot wait if the partner responds late. Clingy behaviour feels like forcing others to talk and spend time with only this person. Displaying such behaviour can make the partner feel suffocated, and it would ruin your relationship.

What can you do?

It is okay to stay away from your partner for a while. You can use it as an opportunity to work on yourself and your other relationships. You may develop your hobbies or focus on improving your career. If you think you need help, consult a professional.

Lack of empathy

Not being able to recognize your partner’s feelings is a lack of empathy in a relationship. A partner is expected to understand the feelings and act accordingly. Otherwise, it puts the partnership to the test. Without the appropriate empathy on the part of both partners, a relationship is usually inevitably at risk of ending.

What can I do?

Understand what your partner is going through. Imagine yourself being in their situation. Realize their emotional state. Tell them that you are with them in this, and be true to your words.

Giving Sex a backseat

If you are one of those who spend much of the time online, working, on the phone, or spending too much time with friends and colleagues instead of with your partner, then you put the relationship to a hard test. By doing all this, you are not dedicating much time to your relationship. When you can’t spend some personal time, those ten minutes in bed won’t really impress. According to studies, sexless marriage can lead to infidelity.

Are you neglecting sex?
Are you neglecting sex?

What can I do?

Plan your day so that you have some personal time with your partner. Know how the day was and what’s for dinner. Have a conversation and initiate some romance in the kitchen or try something fun to light up the mood. Plan your bedtime and have it great.

It is important to stay physically and emotionally healthy. Relationships are the backbone of our emotional health. In case you are facing issues in your relationship, you need to sort them out as soon as possible. If you are unable to sort them out, it is good to seek the help of a relationship expert. Book an appointment with one soon.

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