10 Typical Problems in Marriage and How to Handle Them

By Wellness Hub

Last Updated: June 15, 2024

Marriage is a beautiful journey, but like any journey, it comes with its own set of challenges. At some point, most couples will face issues that can strain their relationship. These challenges can range from communication breakdowns to financial disagreements, and they are a normal part of married life.

Addressing these common marriage problems is crucial for maintaining a healthy and strong relationship. Ignoring or avoiding these issues can lead to resentment and emotional distance. By recognizing and dealing with these problems head-on, you and your spouse can strengthen your bond and create a deeper, more fulfilling connection.

1. Lack of Communication

One of the most common problems in marriage is a lack of communication. Communication is the foundation of any strong relationship, and when it breaks down, misunderstandings and conflicts can arise. Couples may stop talking about their feelings, avoid discussing important issues, or simply fail to listen to each other. Over time, this can lead to resentment and emotional distance.

Impact on the Relationship: When communication falters, it can cause a ripple effect throughout the relationship. Misunderstandings become more frequent, small issues can escalate into major conflicts, and both partners may feel unheard and unappreciated. This lack of connection can create a sense of isolation and weaken the bond that holds the marriage together. In the worst cases, it can lead to a complete breakdown of the relationship.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Active Listening:
    • Active listening is a crucial skill for improving communication. It involves fully focusing on what your partner is saying without interrupting or thinking about your response while they are speaking. Show that you are listening by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and offering verbal affirmations like “I understand” or “That makes sense.”
    • Example: If your spouse is talking about a stressful day at work, listen attentively and empathize with their feelings. Avoid offering solutions immediately; sometimes, they just need to feel heard and understood.
  2. Regular Communication Time:
    • Setting aside regular time to talk can help keep communication lines open. This can be a daily check-in, a weekly date night, or any time that works for both of you. The key is to make it a consistent part of your routine.
    • Example: Schedule a 15-minute conversation every evening to discuss your day, share your thoughts, and address any concerns. This dedicated time helps ensure that both partners feel valued and connected.

2. Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy is a vital component of a strong and healthy marriage. It encompasses not just physical closeness but also emotional connection. Over time, many couples experience a decline in intimacy due to various factors such as stress, busy schedules, or unresolved conflicts.

Description of the Problem: A lack of intimacy can manifest in several ways, including a decrease in physical affection, a decline in sexual activity, or an emotional disconnect. This issue often arises when couples are preoccupied with daily responsibilities and forget to nurture their relationship. The absence of intimacy can lead to feelings of loneliness, frustration, and neglect, causing a significant strain on the marriage.

Impact on the Relationship: When intimacy fades, couples may start to feel distant from each other. This emotional and physical gap can create misunderstandings, resentment, and a lack of satisfaction in the relationship. Over time, the lack of connection can erode the foundation of the marriage, making it difficult to rekindle the bond that once existed.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Open Discussions About Desires and Concerns:
    • Open communication is key to addressing intimacy issues. Discuss your feelings, desires, and concerns with your partner without judgment. This helps in understanding each other’s needs and finding ways to reconnect.
    • Example: Share your thoughts and feelings about intimacy with your spouse in a calm and loving manner. Express what you miss and what you would like to improve in your relationship.
  2. Regular Date Nights and New Activities:
    • Setting aside regular time for date nights or new activities can help reignite the spark in your relationship. Doing fun and exciting things together can bring back the excitement and closeness you once shared.
    • Example: Plan a weekly date night where you can spend quality time together without distractions. Try new activities like cooking a meal together, going for a hike, or taking a dance class to strengthen your bond.

3. Different Life Stages

Description of the Problem: Marriage often involves navigating different life stages, which can create challenges for couples. These differences might arise due to age gaps, varying career paths, or personal growth that leads partners in different directions. Over time, what once seemed like minor differences can evolve into significant issues, causing partners to feel out of sync with each other.

Impact on the Relationship: When partners are in different life stages, it can lead to feelings of disconnection and misunderstanding. One partner might be focused on advancing their career, while the other is ready to start a family. These differing priorities can create tension and conflict, making it hard to find common ground. If not addressed, these issues can result in emotional distance and a weakening of the marital bond.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Prioritizing the Relationship:
    • It’s essential to make your relationship a priority, even when life gets busy. Regularly check in with each other to ensure you are both on the same page regarding your goals and aspirations.
    • Example: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly conversations to discuss your current life stages, how you feel about them, and what you can do to support each other. This dedicated time helps maintain connection and understanding.
  2. Exploring New Hobbies Together:
    • Finding new activities that you both enjoy can help bridge the gap between different life stages. Shared hobbies can create new memories and strengthen your bond.
    • Example: Consider taking up a new hobby together, such as hiking, cooking classes, or a book club. Engaging in activities that both partners find enjoyable can provide common ground and foster a sense of unity.

4. Infidelity

Description of the Problem: Infidelity is one of the most painful and challenging issues a couple can face. It involves a breach of trust and can take many forms, from physical cheating to emotional affairs. Infidelity can stem from various reasons, such as unmet emotional needs, lack of intimacy, or even opportunities that lead to poor decisions. Regardless of the cause, the impact on the relationship is often profound and deeply hurtful.

Impact on the Relationship: The discovery of infidelity can shatter the foundation of trust that a marriage is built upon. It often leads to intense emotional pain, feelings of betrayal, and a sense of insecurity. The affected partner may struggle with anger, resentment, and doubts about the future of the relationship. Without addressing the underlying issues, infidelity can result in prolonged conflict, emotional distance, and even the dissolution of the marriage.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Rebuilding Trust Through Understanding and Forgiveness:
    • Rebuilding trust after infidelity is a gradual process that requires time, patience, and commitment from both partners. Understanding why the infidelity occurred can help address the root causes and prevent future issues.
    • Example: Both partners should engage in open conversations about their feelings and the factors that led to the infidelity. Professional counseling can provide a safe space for these discussions and offer guidance on rebuilding trust.
  2. Open and Honest Communication:
    • Honest communication is crucial in the healing process. Both partners need to express their emotions, fears, and expectations openly. The offending partner must be transparent and willing to answer questions to rebuild trust.
    • Example: Set aside regular times to talk about your progress and feelings. Ensure that these conversations are constructive and focused on healing rather than blaming.

Also read: How to Overcome Infidelity in Marriage? | What if you found them guilty?

5. Jealousy

Description of the Problem: Jealousy is a natural emotion, but when it becomes excessive, it can cause significant problems in a marriage. Jealousy often stems from insecurities, fear of loss, or previous experiences of betrayal. It can manifest as constant suspicion, controlling behavior, or an intense need for reassurance. While a little jealousy can indicate that you care about your partner, too much of it can be destructive.

Impact on the Relationship: Excessive jealousy can create a toxic environment in a marriage. It erodes trust, causes frequent arguments, and makes both partners feel stressed and unhappy. The partner who is constantly suspected may feel suffocated and untrusted, leading to emotional distance and resentment. Over time, unchecked jealousy can lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Addressing Jealousy Directly:
    • It’s crucial to confront jealousy head-on rather than letting it fester. Openly discussing feelings of jealousy can help both partners understand its root cause and work towards resolving it.
    • Example: If you feel jealous, calmly talk to your partner about your feelings without accusing them. Explain what triggers your jealousy and work together to find solutions. For instance, if jealousy arises when your partner spends time with friends, discuss ways to build trust and reassure each other.
  2. Seeking Professional Help if Necessary:
    • Sometimes, jealousy is deeply rooted and may require professional intervention. A therapist can help identify the underlying causes of jealousy and provide strategies to manage it effectively.
    • Example: If jealousy is causing significant strain in your marriage, consider seeking couples counseling. A therapist can offer tools and techniques to help both partners address and overcome jealousy, fostering a healthier relationship.

Know more: Combat jealousy in a relationship with these tips. It works!

6. Boredom

Description of the Problem: Boredom in marriage can creep in when the relationship becomes too routine and predictable. Couples may find themselves stuck in the same daily patterns, leading to a sense of monotony. This can happen when both partners become comfortable with their routines and stop making efforts to keep the relationship dynamic and exciting. Over time, this lack of novelty and excitement can make the relationship feel stagnant.

Impact on the Relationship: When boredom sets in, it can cause partners to feel disconnected and uninterested in each other. This can lead to a decline in emotional intimacy and overall satisfaction in the relationship. Boredom can also make partners more vulnerable to distractions outside the marriage, potentially leading to more serious issues like infidelity or emotional withdrawal. Ultimately, a relationship that lacks excitement and engagement may struggle to sustain its initial passion and connection.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Introducing New and Exciting Activities:
    • One of the best ways to combat boredom is by introducing new activities that you both can enjoy. Trying something new together can bring back the excitement and help you bond in different ways.
    • Example: Consider activities like taking a dance class, hiking, or traveling to new places. These experiences can create fresh memories and reignite the spark in your relationship. Exploring interests that both partners are passionate about can also strengthen your connection.
  2. Planning Surprises to Keep the Relationship Lively:
    • Surprises can add an element of excitement and spontaneity to your relationship. They show that you are thinking about your partner and are willing to go the extra mile to make them happy.
    • Example: Plan a surprise date night or a weekend getaway. It doesn’t have to be extravagant; even small gestures like a handwritten note, a favorite meal, or an unexpected gift can make a big difference. The key is to keep things unpredictable and fun.

7. Disrespecting Boundaries

Description of the Problem: In a marriage, respecting each other’s boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, or personal, and they help individuals feel safe and valued. Disrespecting boundaries might involve controlling behavior, constant criticism, or intruding on personal space and time. When boundaries are not respected, it can lead to feelings of resentment and a loss of individuality.

Impact on the Relationship: When one partner consistently disrespects the other’s boundaries, it can create a toxic environment. The affected partner may feel suffocated, controlled, or undervalued. This lack of respect can erode trust and lead to frequent conflicts. Over time, the continuous disregard for boundaries can cause emotional distance and weaken the bond between partners, making it challenging to maintain a loving and supportive relationship.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Respecting Personal Space and Boundaries:
    • Every individual needs personal space and time to themselves, even within a marriage. Recognizing and respecting these needs is crucial for a healthy relationship.
    • Example: If your partner enjoys a hobby or needs some alone time to recharge, respect their need for personal space. Avoid intruding on their activities and instead support their interests by giving them the freedom to pursue them.
  2. Clear Communication About Needs:
    • Open and honest communication is key to setting and respecting boundaries. Both partners should express their needs and expectations clearly and listen to each other without judgment.
    • Example: Have a conversation with your partner about what boundaries are important to you and ask them about theirs. For instance, if you need a quiet time after work to unwind, communicate this to your partner and ask for their understanding and support.

8. Stress

Description of the Problem: Stress is an inevitable part of life and can come from various sources, such as work, finances, health issues, or family responsibilities. When stress is not managed effectively, it can spill over into your marriage, creating tension and conflict. Prolonged stress can make it difficult to communicate effectively, make decisions, or maintain emotional intimacy, which can strain the relationship.

Impact on the Relationship: When stress enters a marriage, it can lead to misunderstandings, short tempers, and reduced patience. Partners may start to feel overwhelmed and unsupported, leading to emotional distance. Unaddressed stress can create a cycle where both partners feel increasingly isolated and disconnected, making it harder to resolve even minor issues. Over time, chronic stress can erode the foundation of trust and mutual support in the relationship.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Finding Healthy Ways to Manage Stress Together:
    • Managing stress as a team can strengthen your bond and improve your overall well-being. Identify stressors together and find healthy coping mechanisms that work for both of you.
    • Example: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga together. Engaging in physical activities like walking, jogging, or playing a sport can also help reduce stress levels and improve your connection.
  2. Supporting Each Other Through Stressful Times:
    • Being a supportive partner means actively listening and offering empathy during stressful periods. Show understanding and compassion, and avoid placing blame or adding pressure.
    • Example: If your partner is stressed about work, offer a listening ear and help them brainstorm solutions without judgment. Sometimes, simply being there and showing that you care can make a significant difference.

9. Differing Values

Description of the Problem: In any marriage, partners bring their unique values and beliefs shaped by their upbringing, culture, and personal experiences. Differing values can pertain to religion, politics, child-rearing practices, and even daily habits and lifestyle choices. When these core values clash, it can lead to significant conflicts and misunderstandings.

Impact on the Relationship: When couples have differing values, it can create tension and frequent disagreements. These conflicts can make partners feel misunderstood or disrespected, leading to frustration and emotional distance. Over time, unresolved value clashes can weaken the relationship’s foundation, making it difficult to find common ground and work towards shared goals.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Open Conversations About Values:
    • Engaging in open and honest discussions about your values and beliefs is essential. Understanding where each partner is coming from can help bridge the gap and foster mutual respect.
    • Example: Schedule a dedicated time to talk about your core values. Discuss why these values are important to you and how they influence your decisions. This can help both partners gain insight and appreciation for each other’s perspectives.
  2. Understanding and Respectful Disagreement:
    • It’s important to accept that you may not agree on everything, and that’s okay. Learning to respectfully disagree while maintaining love and respect for each other is crucial for a healthy relationship.
    • Example: When a disagreement arises, approach the conversation with a mindset of understanding rather than winning. Acknowledge your partner’s point of view and find areas where you can compromise or agree to disagree without resentment.

10. Money Problems

Money problems can be a significant source of stress in a marriage. When partners have different spending habits or financial goals, it can lead to disagreements and tension. Financial stress often stems from a lack of communication about money, unexpected expenses, or differing views on saving and spending.

Impact on the Relationship:

Financial issues can strain a marriage in various ways. Constant arguments about money can erode trust and respect between partners. Over time, financial stress can lead to resentment, emotional distance, and even a breakdown in communication. Couples may find themselves avoiding discussions about finances, which only exacerbates the problem.

Tips for Improvement:

  1. Regular Financial Discussions: Schedule regular times to discuss finances openly and honestly. Make sure both partners are involved in managing the household budget. Regular discussions help each other understand their financial perspectives and work together towards common goals.
  2. Setting Common Financial Goals and Creating a Budget: Establishing shared financial goals can help align your spending and saving habits. Whether it’s saving for a home, planning for a vacation, or building an emergency fund, having common goals fosters teamwork. Creating a budget is a practical step that helps track expenses and ensures you live within your means.

Common Marriage Problems and Their Impact

Common ProblemImpact on Relationship
Lack of CommunicationMisunderstandings: Leads to frequent misinterpretations and assumptions.
Resentment: Unresolved issues build up, causing lingering bitterness.
Emotional Distance: Creates a gap, making partners feel disconnected.
Lack of IntimacyEmotional Disconnect: Weakens the emotional bond between partners.
Physical Disconnect: Reduces physical closeness, affecting overall relationship satisfaction.
Different Life StagesFeeling Out of Sync: Partners may feel they are on different paths.
Misunderstanding Priorities: Different life goals can lead to conflicts about what is important.
InfidelityLoss of Trust: Trust, the cornerstone of any relationship, is broken.
Emotional Pain: Causes deep hurt and feelings of betrayal.
JealousyIncreased Tension: This creates constant stress and anxiety in the relationship.
Trust Issues: This leads to doubts and suspicions, damaging the relationship foundation.
BoredomDisinterest: Partners may lose interest in each other and the relationship.
Lack of Engagement: Reduces effort put into maintaining the relationship.
Disrespecting BoundariesResentment: Feeling of being controlled or not respected.
Emotional Distance: Causes partners to pull away from each other emotionally.
StressIncreased Conflict: Stress can lead to more frequent and intense arguments.
Emotional Strain: Both partners may feel overwhelmed and unsupported.
Differing ValuesFrequent Conflicts: Regular disagreements over core beliefs and values.
Emotional Distance: Partners may feel misunderstood and isolated.


Dealing with common marriage problems is very important for keeping your relationship healthy and happy. Issues like lack of communication, intimacy problems, and different values are chances to grow closer and understand each other better. By recognizing these problems and working together to solve them, you can make your bond stronger and your relationship more resilient.

Remember, seeking help from a professional is a good step. If you’re having trouble resolving issues on your own, consider seeing a marriage counselor or therapist. They can offer tools and advice to help you navigate through tough times. At Wellness Hub, we provide many resources to support couples, including articles and counseling services. Visit our website to find more ways to strengthen your marriage. For more tips and advice, check out our Wellness Hub Blog. Together, you can overcome challenges and build a lasting, loving relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are common problems in marriage?

Common problems in marriage include lack of communication, intimacy issues, differing values, jealousy, boredom, disrespecting boundaries, stress, and infidelity. These challenges can affect the relationship if not addressed properly.

2. How can we handle typical marriage issues?

Handling typical marriage issues involves open communication, mutual respect, understanding each other’s needs, and seeking professional help if necessary. It’s important to work together to find solutions and maintain a strong connection.

3. What are effective solutions for marital problems?

Effective solutions for marital problems include practicing active listening, setting aside regular time for communication, introducing new activities to combat boredom, respecting personal boundaries, and managing stress together.

4. How do you resolve common relationship challenges?

Resolving common relationship challenges involves open and honest discussions, understanding and respecting each other’s values, finding common ground, and seeking professional help if needed. Support from resources like those offered by Wellness Hub can also be beneficial.

5. What are the most frequent marriage troubles and how to solve them?

The most frequent marriage troubles include communication breakdowns, lack of intimacy, and financial disagreements. Solving them requires regular communication, shared activities, and professional guidance when necessary.

6. How can professional counseling help in marriage problems?

Professional counseling can provide couples with tools and strategies to effectively address and resolve their issues. A therapist can offer a neutral perspective and help partners communicate better, understand each other’s needs, and rebuild trust.

7. How important is communication in a marriage?

Communication is crucial in a marriage as it helps partners understand each other’s needs, resolve conflicts, and maintain a strong emotional connection. Without effective communication, misunderstandings, and resentment can build up, leading to bigger issues.

8. What should we do if we face different values in marriage?

If you face differing values in marriage, it’s important to have open conversations about your beliefs and find ways to respect each other’s perspectives. Agreeing to disagree respectfully and finding common ground can help maintain harmony.

9. How can we manage stress together in a marriage?

Managing stress together involves identifying stressors, practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in physical activities, and supporting each other through tough times. Open communication about stress and working as a team can strengthen your bond.

10. How can Wellness Hub help with marriage problems?

Wellness Hub offers a variety of resources, including informative articles and professional counseling services, to help couples navigate marriage problems. Our support can provide you with the tools and strategies needed to build a stronger, healthier relationship. Visit our Wellness Hub Blog and explore our resources for more information.

About the Author:

Prapoorna Mangalampalli

M.Sc., M.A., (Dual Masters in Psychology & English) – Counselor (6+ years of experience)

Prapoorna armed with a passionate dedication fueled by dual Master’s degrees in Psychology and English, Prapoorna sheds light on and elevates human experiences. Over 6+ years of experience fuel her insightful approach to counseling, offering profound empathy and guidance across diverse areas like online, marital, relationship, child, family, and career counseling.

At Wellness Hub, she thrives in a team environment that values innovation, compassion, and achieving results for their clients.

Connect with Prapoorna to learn how she can help you or your loved one find their voice and build a brighter future.

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