Does it sound like Corona Divorce? | Divorce Counselling
By Prapoorna M
Last Updated: November 27, 2021
From the health of the individuals to the financial conditions of the nations, the novel Corona virus is taking everything down. Unfortunately, the relationships are also not immune to this. Couples who are staying indoors all the time due to the lockdown are now facing a drastic change in their personal lives. Some are uncovering their partner’s negative side while some are wondering if it is the same person.
Though for some people love seems to be practically growing, for some its diminishing ends are clearly visible. With various views on their marriages, people are approaching their lawyers as they feel that their marriages can no longer be helpful. Before going to the opinions of different couples, let us remind you that having an online counselling session from expert psychologists can really help you in building your relationships better.

Corona virus lockdown is making the couples sick of each other and the divorce rates see a surge. Some are hesitant to pull the trigger while others are giving their shot. People are questioning about their relationship like, “Why am I staying in this relationship though I believe that it’s not working and that it won’t get any better?” A husband complaints “Why the hell does she yell all the time?
Those complaints are over-flowing. She’s definitely not the person whom I loved. I never wanted to make a mess out of my life like this. I need my life back. I need divorce. After all, our lives have no guarantee. Why should I settle for the less?” Well, hoping for betterment is certainly welcomed but should it be at the cost of relationship?
Reasons are Many
Though divorce is not a new word, a pandemic outbreak emerging as a reason for uncoupling is something the world has never witnessed before. Experts say that the reasons for this new trend of getting divorced during corona virus outbreak, which is being termed as “Corona divorce”, are many. Some people lost their jobs and that’s putting their relationships in a pressure cooker.
Money problems are also straining marriages. Staying with a partner who is financially unproductive is creating a problem in some couples. Though being together for 24/7 in a house during lockdown, few couples are feeling hollowness or emptiness in their marriages and sought divorce.
This could be as a result of their expectations from the partners or people naturally losing interest in their marriages or could be because of the stress that external situations are creating. Domestic violence has also been reported in some families that might have made the couples end up their relationship in filing a divorce.
The experiences of different people are making them take such decisions in their ways. A husband who is disinterested in his marriage says, “I hate it when my wife demands attention. It should naturally come. I would love to be alone rather than being with her all the time. Hope this lockdown ends so that I can meet my lawyer to end this. I’m going through a terrible phase of my life.”
Even wives are also having such opinions. A wife says, “I realized that he is neither a good husband nor a good father to my kids. I’m fed up and lost interest in this marriage. I want divorce.” An independent lady, who is a wife and mother of two states, “It is being hard for me to realize the hollowness we have in our marriage. The cover I’m putting on to camouflage it, is not at all pretty. I need a divorce, after all, it’s just one life and we never know when we may die.”
It really feels astonishing to know how the present situation of taking precautions is also being a cause for divorces. A wife complains, “My husband goes out for shopping as there is no complete strict 24/7 curfew right now. He carelessly plays with our little kid. He never really takes any precautions and this is threatening me. He neither listens to me nor the precautionary announcements on television. He doesn’t believe the Covid-19 situation is as serious as the media is saying about it.” Well, it’s a point of concern. But, divorce
Another lady wonders, “My husband starts playing with kids when they are supposed to get to bed. He buys something from outside when I say that it’s not good to get eatables from outside during this pandemic outbreak. He treats me as if a mental ill person suffering from OCD when I sanitize the house. He doesn’t take precautions while going out of the house and coming in.
Especially I’m very scared what might happen to the kids. On top of all, he fills the little minds with complaints on me that I’m being a maniac. Why doesn’t he take things seriously? Why is he so careless? Why he undermines my ability of being a patient mom and wife? Till when can my coping mechanisms help me? What shall I do with this toxic relationship? I need a divorce as soon as possible. I don’t even know if I’m suffering smiling depression?” Hmm, No doubt she wonders.
Quarantine intensified their contradictions

People have different opinions in general. This lockdown and quarantine are highlighting them out very clearly. A group of ladies have expressed their opinion like this. “I thought that my spouse would love to spend time with me and would see this lockdown time as a boon. But hell, no. He feels jailed and says that he loves only to be away from me. I just don’t get him. His frustrations and yells are not what I deserve.” This continues with another question in their heads, “Why should I still stay married to him?”
In some areas, people who are alcoholics were already facing some psychological issues of being refrained from drinking due to the unavailability of stock. Such men and women are allegedly behaving abusively with their partners and are creating scenes of domestic violence apparently. Whatever the reasons are, abusing and behaving violently are the signs of uncontrolled emotions which might require treatment. It is better to consult your psychologists before things get worsen.
Understand the Problem
The scenario is like, the more time they spend together, the more they hate each other. People need space. It’s not just couples but everyone does. Things will only get better when both the couple understand each other well. Let them express and listen with an open mind.
Whether you listen to those business people who say that staying in their guest houses for some days would reduce your thought of having Corona divorce, or you understand that it’s you both who should deal with the issues wherever you stay, it’s always your choice and your life. Think of a permanent and better solution. Temporary and instant solutions look so attractive but not really fruitful. If you are looking for some divorce counseling or relationship counseling or a family counseling to make things better, the team of expert counselors from Wellness hub is ready to help you. Log on to Wellness Hub and book an appointment, today.
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