How can I ensure my family’s safety during this pandemic outbreak?

By Prapoorna M

Last Updated: November 27, 2021

In the last few weeks, our lives lurched into uncertainty with the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus pandemic. While the governments of all the countries are taking measures like lock down, it is certainly increasing unknown anxiety and restlessness among people of the world. Especially, the safety of our families is being a high concern.

It is very essential to maintain our calm and look after the family’s safety during this tough time. In case you feel the need for any kind of emotional support, opt for online counselling, where our experts are ready to help you through an online video call or a simple audio call. A sound mind can make wise decisions.

Tips for Your Family’s Safety

Coming to ensuring the safety of the family, here are the important points that need to be considered.

A man looking out from his window
A man looking out from his window

Avoid Stepping Out

Avoid going out of the house, unless it is very emergency. Police are working to keep us safe and trying to restrict our movements as it is necessary to home quarantine people in order to stop the spread of this epidemic. Don’t go out unnecessarily. Also, avoid social gatherings, especially being in a group of more than 10 people. Avoid functions and gathering for celebrations, for some days. This avoids you to become an unknown carrier of the virus.

Practice Social-distancing

If you must go out, strictly maintain a gap of at least 6 feet, i.e., approximately two arms length, from others. This kind of social distancing helps you and your family to keep away from the virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Instead of going out to meet people, call them to talk. Avoid meeting people as much as you can.


It is important to disinfectant the surfaces of your work and home. Keeping the home dust free makes the chances of getting infections, less. Use sanitizers and clean your gadgets like mobile, laptop, television, etc. to disinfectant them. In case, you go out, go directly to washroom, wash your clothes and bath using disinfectant liquid in your water.

Cover your mouth

Covering your mouth when you are coughing and sneezing avoids those droplets to get passed on to the other surfaces. Covering your mouth with a mask or handkerchief helps you to safeguard yourself from infectious droplets from other persons. It is highly important as the infected person might not show symptoms up to a maximum of 14 days after getting infected. Though seem to be a healthy person, anyone could catch the virus and spread the infection.

Wash Your Hands

The importance of washing our hands has never been highlighted in the history of the world as it is being now. It is a widely-approved fact that washing our hands frequently could help us decontaminate our food while cooking, serving and most importantly, while eating. Also, the time period for cleaning hands should be at least 20secs. Yes, it is really important. But, how do you know exactly if you are washing hands for 20secs? To make sure this happens, you might select a favorite song and sing the lines for 20secs observing the timer. Now sing the same while your kids wash their hands to observe your kids make it a habit of washing their hands for 20secs.

A family showing their clean hands
A family showing their clean hands

Not only during this corona virus time, but it is always beneficial to wash the hands for 20secs. But during this time, we need to wash frequently. Please remember that this situation exists only for a certain time. Otherwise, this might lead to obsessive compulsive disorder.

Avoid Touching your face

Touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands should be avoided. It is because any droplet of infection can contaminate you through your eyes, nose and mouth. Entering your body through these gateways can attack you with the virus. Hence make sure your family avoids touching
their faces without washing the hands.

Food & Water

It is common to have more water during this summer time, but on the background of prevailing conditions it is necessary to drink water to keep the throat moist. At least 3 liters of liquids such as pure drinking water, coconut water, green tea, freshly homemade fruit juices, milk, butter milk etc., should be consumed. Drinking plenty of water and having immunity boosting foods are also the essential things to be kept in mind during this pandemic. When the immunity is high people are less likely to fall sick. The immunity boosting foods such as citrus fruits, like oranges, sweet lime and pineapple, papaya, kiwi, guava, tomato, vegetables like carrots, beetroots, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brinjal, capsicum, and nuts like Almonds, walnuts along with other essentials like ginger, garlic, and turmeric etc., should be added in your diet.

Emotional Health

These situations like sudden feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, restrictions like practicing social distance and being quarantined, absence of social life, those rising number of patients and deaths all over the world, chances of medical emergencies, and other unexpected needs could increase pangs of anxiety leading to anxiety attacks or panic attacks in people. It is very important to maintain sound mental health.

Read more: How to Care for Your Kids’ Mental health during Pandemic Outbreak?

These conditions take a toll on our mental health especially for the people suffering with anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions. Having a talk with professional mental health experts through online counseling can help you overcome the emotional issues you could be facing at such tough times. Wellness Hub provides psychological counseling, through online video call or a phone call, for a sound emotional health as it is the right thing to do while staying at your place.

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