Online Adolescent Counselling
By Prapoorna M
Last Updated: November 27, 2021
Adolescence is an important phase of life where a personality starts to evolve and it is the time, a shoulder to lean is required while letting them to stand on their own. While a plant grows to be a tree, strengthening its roots from within, not much care is needed but a small supporting stick helps, not letting it to bend down. When a child grows to be an adult, the care should be balanced without affecting their individuality as well as protecting them from falling prey to the dangers of their age.
Between Parents and Children
A Child yesterday who could be an obedient son/daughter enters into a state of growing as an individual, where there could be many things that contradict the thinking patterns. Adolescents could become introverts or extroverts in expressing their views, which could become a big problem for parents to handle. Children might not express their views or problems thinking that they would hurt the parents, while parents might not respond in a way their children want them to. Here is where the necessity of counselling comes. A trained psychologist can easily show ways to bridge a better communication between the parents and children.
This is the age, when most of the crucial part of character building takes place. The influence of parent, society and friends will be maximum in shaping up how better citizens they will turn into. A small emotion may churn them, a small reject may hurt them most, a simple scolding may them make them move into silos.
Show empathy
Parents should behave as friends who can understand their turmoil of emotions caused by the affect of hormones in their growth. Treating the children as they are still kids, slapping, beating and shouting at them, yelling in front of others are all the things to be avoided. A better counseling can provide awareness to parents on how to respond to a child’s struggles, build relationship with siblings, family functioning and improve the parenting styles.

During adolescence it feels that parents are pressuring them too much and that they need some space. They come to conclusions that parents are not listening to their grievances, not recognizing their worth, not encouraging them but judging their capabilities with some prejudice. Whenever parents try to interfere with their issues, they feel like parents are trying to poke and conquer their freedom.
So, it is at this point in time parents should bear patience and try to spend more time with them, understanding with open-mindedness. Trust in their ability, give them chances and don’t blame them for their mistakes. It is the time to grow and to learn from mistakes. Having expert advice on such concepts can build better relationships between both of you.
Conflicting their own thoughts
Growing up day by day, learning the real face of society, they come up with a new opinion daily. They slowly start developing taste for different new things, they never did till date. The interest to explore new places, people, things, opportunities etc. baffles them. Sometimes as a manifestation of complete energy and sometimes as a person of solitude, they show different shades, handling their hormonal changes. As the puberty hits, the changes in the body reveals their sexuality in a predominant way, confusing their moods, thoughts and opinions too.
Becoming extremely sensitive, having fluctuating mood swings, undergoing the yearnings like puppy love etc. are observed in them. They have to undergo a lot of psychological issues such as handling stress and anxiety due to personal and social issues, managing their anger and behavior, body image issues, confronting bullying, handling peer pressure and controlling ego, facing depression, eating disorders, relationship issues, social isolation and sleep deprivation due to all these, handling rejections and refusals without going for self-harm or suicidal ideation etc. are the major problems in front of them.
All the family members, friends and society should show some concern for them, to grow through this phase of life. Having a word with a psychological expert helps them deal with these problems easily. We at Wellness Hub provide private professional counselling for teenagers who doesn’t wish to discuss their issues, with anyone else.
Sexuality and Relationships
The onset of puberty can be confusing and distressing. The changes that take place in the body image makes them concerned about their looks too much. Bullying at school hits their emotions badly raising issues with self-esteem and self-consciousness. Handling peer-pressure will also be a big issue. Trying ways to be comfortable with their newfound social status as young adults, they discover who they are and such a transition can be smooth with the help of counselling.
Online counselling provides the opportunity to interact with the counselors from a remote place, preserving their anonymity. A flow of emotions get mixed up for them finding true friendships, true love, true relationships in everyone they feel close. Any sort of misbehavior, cheating, negligence or irresponsiveness makes them depressed and anxious. At this tender age, they have sensitive emotions, hurting which enrages them.
Expecting much, unable to sustain friendships or any relationships, having too much inclination toward a close friend and not being able to be far etc. are also observed much in them. Sexual identification, hormonal excitations, unable to handle the close proximity of opposite gender, abnormal behavior etc. can also be easily understood by an expert and help the teenagers deal with all these problems. Online counselling helps them go through this perplexed stage in a smooth way, keeping their details secret. Any client details are never discussed by an expert psychologist. Adolescents can consult without the concern of their parents or caregivers to get solutions for their emotional problems.
Life goals
Handling all these changes and balancing their young minds to excel in studies is also a great challenge for the adolescents. Studying, undergoing training or tutoring are all done at this phase of life in a vigorous way to build a better career. But the problems like being unable to concentrate on studies, not having interest in studies or the course doing, having wavering mind and undergoing depression, having exam tensions or a constant worry about their future etc. are all the problems which are to be solved in
a slow pace seeking an expert advice.

Some of them tend to be sluggish not showing interest in anything like study or play, but always tend to eat and sleep and also keep themselves away from social life. This could be because of some dark times they would have faced that are not discussed with anyone. Adolescents or young adults, have many problems that they don’t wish to discuss because of different reasons. A good psychological help would help them come out of it and lead a better life. Online adolescent counselling helps them deal with their problem while being anonymous.
Older Teenagers
The later years of adolescence and the early adulthood is the most energetic phase of life. They are expected to cope with their hormonal changes, puberty, problems and pressures at school, work etc. while they go through a lot. It is actually better if their thoughts and ideas are validated by parents or care-takers, so that they would know the difference why and how things should be dealt with.
The increasing use of internet and their online exposure is pressurizing them to be something else always, that makes them feel so concerned about their looks, that in-turn affects their self-esteem. Increasing levels of self-esteem will not allow them to accept any kind of refusals. As teenagers, when they were not handled in a proper way, it could spring unwanted irresponsible behaviors in them.
They could get frequently engaged in risky-behaviors such as fighting challenges, extreme behaviors, smoking, illicit drug abuse, alcohol consumption etc. which result in interpersonal conflicts, health risks, undesirable social behavior that include depression, anxiety, aggression, violence, drink driving, unsafe sex, unplanned pregnancy, car/bike accidents, suicides etc.
In order to help you or your teenager to cope up with the situations, it’s highly beneficial to undergo a counselling session. The online counselling helps you to get connected with your counsellor remotely and discuss your problems without disturbing your planned routines. We at Wellness Hub offer you all kinds of counseling such as offline counselling, online counseling like phone counseling and video counseling as per your convenience. Book an appointment today to make your life better.
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