Pull Out Stuttering: Effective Techniques for Clear Speech

By Anuradha Karanam

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

Stuttering is a common speech disorder that affects the fluency of speech, causing interruptions or blocks in the flow of speaking. These interruptions can lead to frustration, embarrassment, and even anxiety for those who stutter. However, there are effective techniques available to help manage and reduce stuttering. One such technique is called “pull-out stuttering,” which is a part of stuttering modification strategies designed to improve speech clarity.

Stuttering modification techniques, such as pull-out stuttering, focus on altering the way a person experiences and reacts to their stutter. Unlike some traditional approaches that aim to eliminate stuttering entirely, stuttering modification strategies work to make stuttering less severe and more manageable. The pull-out method, in particular, is effective because it helps individuals gain control over their speech in real-time, promoting smoother and clearer communication.

What is Pull Out Stuttering?

Pull-out stuttering is a speech modification technique used to manage and reduce stuttering in real-time. In simple terms, pull-out stuttering involves catching a word that you are stuttering on and then deliberately stretching or sliding out of the stutter. This method helps in regaining control over the speech and promoting smoother communication.

Unlike some other stuttering modification techniques, such as cancellations, pull-out stuttering is used during the moment of disfluency. When using a cancellation technique, you complete the stuttered word, pause, and then say the word again with less tension. In contrast, pull-out stuttering does not require a pause. Instead, it allows the speaker to adjust their articulatory posture and increase airflow while still speaking, making it a more fluid and immediate way to manage stuttering.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate how pull-out stuttering works. Imagine someone starts to stutter on the word “please,” repeating the initial sound “puh-puh-puh.” Instead of pushing harder to get the word out quickly, they would relax their articulatory muscles and stretch the sound, saying “puh-puh-puh-pllllease.” This approach helps reduce the tension and makes the speech smoother.

Also Read: What is Stuttering: Types, Symptoms, and Causes

How Does Pull Out Stuttering Work?

Pull-out stuttering is a practical and immediate technique used to manage stuttering during the moment of disfluency. Understanding the mechanics of this method can help individuals achieve smoother and more controlled speech.

The Mechanics of Pull-Out Stuttering

  1. Catch the Word You Are Stuttering On: The first step in the pull-out technique is to become aware of the stuttering moment. This involves catching the word where the stutter occurs. Being mindful of the disfluency allows you to take control of the situation.
  2. Relax and Stretch Out the Sound: Once you catch the stutter, the next step is to relax your articulatory muscles (lips, tongue, jaw). Instead of trying to force the word out quickly, you gently stretch or slide through the sound. For example, if you are stuttering on the word “please,” you might say “puh-puh-puh-plllllease,” elongating the sound to ease the tension.
  3. Monitor and Change Articulatory Posture: It is crucial to monitor and adjust the position of your articulatory muscles. Often, stuttering occurs because of excessive tension in these muscles. By consciously changing the posture to a more relaxed state, you allow the sound to flow more naturally. This might involve loosening the lips, lowering the jaw slightly, or repositioning the tongue.
  4. Increase Airflow and Reduce Tension: A significant aspect of pull-out stuttering is increasing airflow. During a stutter, airflow is often blocked or restricted, which exacerbates the disfluency. By focusing on breathing and ensuring a steady flow of air, you can reduce the physical tension that contributes to stuttering. This helps in producing a smoother speech output.

By incorporating these steps, pull-out stuttering helps in managing disfluency effectively. It transforms the struggle into a controlled and less stressful process, promoting clearer and more confident speech.

Why Increasing Airflow and Reducing Tension are Crucial

Increasing airflow and reducing tension are vital components of the pull-out technique. When you are tense, the muscles involved in speech become tight, making it harder for the sound to come out smoothly. By focusing on relaxation and breathing, you reduce this tension, allowing for a more fluid speech.

Increased airflow helps in maintaining a continuous speech pattern. It prevents the blockages that typically occur during stuttering. Ensuring a steady flow of air through the vocal tract minimizes the chances of disfluency, making speech more fluent and less interrupted.

For personalized guidance and additional resources on managing stuttering, Wellness Hub offers expert support and tailored speech therapy programs. Visit our online speech therapy page to learn more about how we can help you achieve clearer speech.

Why Are Pull-Outs Effective?

Pull-out stuttering techniques offer several benefits that can significantly improve speech fluency. Here are some of the key reasons why pull-outs are effective:

1. Improved Airflow During Speech

One of the primary advantages of using pull-out techniques is the improvement in airflow. When stuttering, airflow is often restricted, leading to blocks and interruptions. By focusing on pull-outs, you can enhance the flow of air through your vocal tract. This steady airflow helps in maintaining a continuous speech pattern, making it easier to move from one word to the next without unnecessary pauses.

2. Reduced Tension in the Articulatory Muscles

Another significant benefit of pull-out techniques is the reduction of tension in the articulatory muscles. Stuttering often involves tightness in the muscles used for speaking, such as the lips, tongue, and jaw. This tension makes it difficult to produce sounds smoothly. Pull-out techniques encourage relaxation of these muscles. By consciously relaxing and stretching the sounds, you can alleviate the tension, allowing for smoother and more controlled speech.

3. Enhanced Ability to Continue Speaking Smoothly Without Pausing

Pull-out techniques are designed to be used in real-time, during the moment of disfluency. Unlike other methods that require stopping and restarting, pull-outs allow you to adjust your speech without pausing. This ability to continue speaking smoothly, even when you encounter a stutter, is incredibly empowering. It helps you maintain your train of thought and communicate more effectively, reducing the frustration and embarrassment that often accompany stuttering.

Practicing Pull-Out Stuttering

Practicing pull-out stuttering effectively requires a combination of intentional practice and professional guidance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Start with Pseudo-Stuttering

Pseudo-stuttering, or intentional stuttering, is a helpful technique to identify tension points and become more aware of your speech patterns. By deliberately stuttering on certain words, you can practice the pull-out technique in a controlled manner. This approach helps you recognize where tension occurs and how to release it.

Here are some sentences to practice pseudo-stuttering:

  • “I went to an awesome costume party on Saturday.”
  • “Do you want pizza or chicken noodle soup?”
  • “I’m going to play video games in my room after school on Friday.”
  • “My best friend John rides his skateboard everywhere he goes.”
  • “I enjoy washing the car while listening to music.”

While practicing, focus on where the tension builds up in your lips, tongue, or jaw. Then, apply the pull-out technique by relaxing these muscles and stretching out the sound.

Step 2: Work with a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)

Working with a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) can provide you with personalized guidance and support. An SLP can help you practice pull-out stuttering in a controlled setting, offering feedback and strategies tailored to your needs. They can also help you integrate the technique into your daily speech patterns.

During your sessions with an SLP, you can:

  • Identify specific words or sounds that are challenging for you.
  • Practice pseudo-stuttering and pull-out techniques with professional feedback.
  • Learn additional strategies to manage and reduce stuttering.

Example Sentences for Practice

Here are more sentences to help you practice pull-out stuttering:

  • “I went to an awesome costume party on Saturday.”
  • “Do you want pizza or chicken noodle soup?”
  • “I’m going to play video games in my room after school on Friday.”
  • “My best friend John rides his skateboard everywhere he goes.”
  • “I enjoy washing the car while listening to music.”

By consistently practicing with these sentences, you can become more comfortable using the pull-out technique and improve your speech fluency over time.

Practice Sentences for Pull-Out Stuttering

SentencePseudo-Stuttering Practice Point
“I went to an awesome costume party on Saturday.”Focus on “awesome”
“Do you want pizza or chicken noodle soup?”Focus on “pizza”
“I’m going to play video games in my room after school on Friday.”Focus on “games”
“My best friend John rides his skateboard everywhere he goes.”Focus on “skateboard”
“I enjoy washing the car while listening to music.”Focus on “car”

Know more about on our article 7 Key Techniques for Overcoming Stuttering

Pull-Outs vs. Cancellations

When managing stuttering, two effective techniques are pull-outs and cancellations. Both methods aim to improve speech fluency, but they are used differently and serve distinct purposes. Understanding how to use each technique and the benefits of integrating them can help you better manage your stuttering.

Pull-Out Stuttering

How to Use Pull-Out Stuttering:

  • In the Moment: Pull-out stuttering is used during the moment of disfluency. When you notice yourself starting to stutter on a word, you catch the stutter, relax your muscles, and stretch out the sound to continue speaking smoothly.
  • Real-Time Adjustment: This technique involves making real-time adjustments to your speech, allowing you to regain control without pausing.


  • Improved Flow: By increasing airflow and reducing muscle tension, pull-outs help maintain the flow of speech.
  • Immediate Control: This method provides immediate control over stuttering, making it easier to navigate through conversations without interruption.

Cancellation Techniques

How to Use Cancellation Techniques:

  • After the Stutter: Cancellations are used after the stutter has occurred. When you stutter on a word, you complete the stuttered word, pause briefly, and then say the word again with less tension.
  • Regroup and Retry: This technique allows you to regroup and retry the word with a more relaxed approach, reducing the likelihood of repeating the stutter.


  • Reduced Tension: By pausing and retrying the word, cancellations help reduce the overall tension in your speech muscles.
  • Practice Control: This method provides an opportunity to practice control over stuttering in a more deliberate manner, helping to build confidence over time.

Integrating Pull-Outs and Cancellations

When to Use Each Method:

  • Pull-Outs: Use pull-outs during conversations when you need to manage stuttering in real-time without breaking the flow of speech.
  • Cancellations: Use cancellations in practice sessions or during conversations when you have the time to pause and regroup.

Benefits of Integration:

  • Versatility: By integrating both techniques, you have versatile tools to manage stuttering in different situations. Pull-outs offer immediate control, while cancellations provide a chance to practice and reinforce fluent speech.
  • Flexibility: Depending on the severity of the stutter and the context of the conversation, you can choose the most appropriate technique to maintain fluency and confidence.

Comparison of Stuttering Techniques

TechniqueWhen to UseHow It WorksBenefits
Pull-OutsDuring the moment of stutterCatch the stuttered word, relax the muscles, and stretch out the sound– Provides immediate control over stuttering
– Allows for a smoother flow of speech
– Reduces tension in the articulatory muscles

CancellationsAfter the stutterComplete the stuttered word fully, pause briefly, then say the word again with less tension– Helps practice control over speech
– Reduces overall tension in speech muscles
– Reduces overall tension in speech muscles
– Reinforces fluent speech through repetition

Know more: Covert Stuttering: Signs, Struggles and How to Manage It

Tips for Effective Pull-Out Stuttering

Pull-out stuttering can be a powerful tool to manage and reduce stuttering. To get the most out of this technique, here are some practical tips to enhance its effectiveness:

Stay Calm and Focused During Disfluencies

One of the most important aspects of pull-out stuttering is maintaining calmness and focus when you encounter a disfluency. Here’s how to stay calm:

  • Take a Deep Breath: Before starting to speak, take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
  • Mindful Awareness: Be aware of your stutter without letting it cause anxiety. Acknowledge it and focus on applying the pull-out technique.
  • Positive Mindset: Remind yourself that stuttering is a manageable challenge and that you have the tools to handle it.

Practice Regularly with the Guidance of an SLP

Consistent practice is key to mastering pull-out stuttering. Here’s how you can practice effectively:

  • Daily Practice: Dedicate a few minutes each day to practice pull-out techniques. Use example sentences and focus on different words each time.
  • Work with a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP): An SLP can provide valuable feedback and tailored exercises to help you improve. Regular sessions with an SLP ensure you’re on the right track and making progress.
  • Record and Review: Record your practice sessions and review them to identify areas of improvement. This can help you become more aware of your progress and the effectiveness of your techniques.

Use Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Tension

Reducing tension in your articulatory muscles is crucial for successful pull-out stuttering. Here are some relaxation techniques:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Focus on relaxing one muscle group at a time, starting from your head and moving down to your toes. This can help alleviate overall tension.
  • Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing exercises to maintain a steady airflow and reduce tension in your vocal tract.
  • Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises for your neck, shoulders, and jaw can help reduce physical tension and improve your ability to speak smoothly.

By integrating these tips into your daily routine, you can enhance the effectiveness of pull-out stuttering and improve your speech fluency. Remember, consistency and patience are key.

Explore more on Overcoming Stuttering: Impact of Anxiety and Stress on Stuttering


In this guide, we delved into the pull-out stuttering technique, a dynamic approach designed to enhance fluency and mitigate stuttering effectively. Unlike traditional methods like cancellations, pull-out stuttering involves identifying the stutter, easing muscle tension, and elongating the sound to promote smoother speech. This technique is particularly beneficial as it allows for immediate correction during speech disruptions, fostering better airflow and reducing tension for a more natural speech flow.

Embracing the pull-out method can significantly improve speech dynamics by enhancing airflow, minimizing pauses, and decreasing muscle tension. Incorporate practices such as pseudo-stuttering, collaborating with a Speech-Language Pathologist, and integrating relaxation techniques into your routine. Consistent practice, coupled with expert guidance from professionals at Wellness Hub, can dramatically improve your speech clarity and confidence. Visit Wellness Hub today for personalized support and more transformative speech therapy techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is pull-out stuttering?

Pull-out stuttering is a technique used to manage and reduce stuttering by catching the stutter, relaxing the muscles, and stretching out the sound. It helps improve speech fluency in the moment of disfluency.

2. How does pull-out stuttering work?

Pull-out stuttering works by catching the stuttered word, relaxing the articulatory muscles, and stretching out the sound to continue speaking smoothly. This increases airflow and reduces tension, making speech more fluent.

3. What are the benefits of pull-out stuttering?

The benefits of pull-out stuttering include improved airflow during speech, reduced tension in the articulatory muscles, and the ability to continue speaking smoothly without pausing.

4. How can I practice pull-out stuttering?

You can practice pull-out stuttering by starting with pseudo-stuttering to identify tension points, working with a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) for guidance, and using relaxation techniques to reduce tension. Regular practice is key.

5. What is the difference between pull-out stuttering and cancellations?

Pull-out stuttering is used during the moment of disfluency to continue speaking smoothly, while cancellations involve completing the stuttered word, pausing, and then saying the word again with less tension. Both techniques are useful for managing stuttering.

6. Can pull-out stuttering be used with other stuttering techniques?

Yes, pull-out stuttering can be integrated with other stuttering techniques like cancellations. Using both methods provides a versatile approach to managing stuttering in different situations.

7. Why is it important to stay calm during a stutter?

Staying calm during a stutter is important because it helps reduce muscle tension and allows you to focus on using techniques like pull-out stuttering to manage the disfluency effectively.

8. How can a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) help with pull-out stuttering?

A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) can provide personalized guidance, feedback, and exercises to help you practice pull-out stuttering effectively. Regular sessions with an SLP ensure you’re making progress and using the technique correctly.

9. What are some relaxation techniques to help with stuttering?

Relaxation techniques to help with stuttering include progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing exercises, and gentle stretching. These techniques reduce tension in the articulatory muscles, making it easier to speak smoothly.

10. Where can I find more information and support for managing stuttering?

For more information and personalized support for managing stuttering, visit the online speech therapy page at Wellness Hub. Our team of experts is here to help you achieve clearer and more confident speech.

About the Author:

Anuradha Karanam

Speech-language pathologist (7+ years of experience)

Anuradha Karanam is a skilled speech-language pathologist with over 6 years of experience. Fluent in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and English, she specializes in parent counseling, speech sound disorders, fluency assessment, and speech-language evaluations. Anuradha excels at working with children with developmental disorders, offering creative and effective therapy programs. Currently, at Wellness Hub, she holds a BASLP degree and is registered with the RCI (CRR No A85500). Her patience, ambition, and dedication make her a trusted expert in her field.

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