Speech and language therapist
2 Yrs 4 Mos of experience
Languages: Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, English,
Speech Language Pathologists understand what a child does not say
Assess client’s speech, language, and cognitive skills
Informal conversation and take language sample of client
Also conduct oral motor examination
Interviews with client and family and provide counseling on therapeutic management
Plan therapy program on areas required.
Train family members with home training strategies
Assessment and management of individual’s neuromotor problems
Describe speech subsystems affected
Identify problem like swallowing, language, speech clarity and cognition.
Work on strength and movement of oro facial structures
Plan for improving speech intelligibility and work on cognitive abilities
Assessment of speech sound errors while speaking
Conduct orofacial examination and Screen oral motor functioning
Assessment of language comprehension and production
Articulation therapy is used for each of the error sound.
Assessment of severity of stammering and identify associated secondary problems
Provide counseling to cope up with stress
Planning of fluency therapy program
Conduct individual and group sessions
Analysis and management of slow speech and language development
Work with Autism spectrum disorders and provide training programs
Identify and help children with specific learning disability to overcome speech sound problems
Identify and provide support for children with language and communication problems
Work with different disorders like Down syndrome, mentally challenged, cerebral palsy, auditory verbal therapy for hearing impaired children
Provide training and education to caregivers.
8 years